Стэнли Криппнер (Krippner)
(родился 04.10.1932, Эджертон, шт. Висконсин, США) -
американский психолог, представитель трансперсональной психологии, один
из ведущих специалистов по измененным состояниям сознания. После ряда
лет практической работы по коррекции речи учащихся Криппнер получил
докторскую степень по педагогической психологии (1961 г.) и в течение
ряда лет возглавлял Центр изучения ребенка университета Кент (Огайо),
затем лабораторию по изучению сновидений Медицинского центра Маймонидов
в Нью-Йорке (1964-1973 гг.). В настоящее время преподает в Сэйбрукском
институте и Калифорнийском институте интегральных исследований
Мировую известность ему принесли работы по изучению
сновидений, измененных состояний сознания, парапсихологических
феноменов, целительских практик в традиционных культурах. Криппнер -
автор более 500 публикаций. Он является членом десятков национальных и
международных научных обществ, лауреатом различных премий, избирался
президентом Ассоциации гуманистической психологии (1974-1975 гг.),
Парапсихологической ассоциации (1982 г.), вице-президентом Национальной
ассоциации по изучению одаренных детей.
Д. А. Леонтьев
Источник: Психологический лексикон.
Энциклопедический словарь в шести томах / Ред.-сост. Л. А. Карпенко.
Под общ. ред. А. В. Петровского. – М.: ПЕР СЭ, 2005.
– Т. История психологии в лицах: Персоналии. – М.,
2005. – С. 242.
На русском языке
- Криппнер С.,
Диллард Дж. Сновидения и творческий подход к решению проблем. Перевод с
английского В. Рогова. Серия: Тексты трансперсональной психологии. М.,
2001. Твердый переплет, 256 стр. ISBN 5-88389-027-Х Почитать в электронном виде
На английском и
других языках
- Krippner, S., &
Bragdon, E. (2012). Contributions of Brazilian Spiritist treatment to
the global improvement of mental health care. In E. Bragdon (Ed.),
Spiritism and mental health: Practices from Spiritist centers and
Spiritist psychiatric hospitals in Brazil
(pp. 257–266). London, England:
Singing Dragon.
- Krippner, S., Pitchford, D.B.,
& Davies, J. (2012). Post-traumatic stress disorder:
Biographies of disease. Santa Barbara, CA:
- Student Editors, Christ
University. (2011-2012). Interview with Dr. Stanley Krippner: When
dreams and real life collide. Perspective, 10, 5-6.
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
(Biographies of Disease) (with Daniel Pitchford and Jeannine Davies). Santa
Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO/Greenwood, 2012.
- Demystifying Shamans and Their
World: An Interdisciplinary Study (with Adam Rock). Charlotteville,
VA: Imprint Academic, 2011.
- Haunted By Combat:
Understanding PTSD in War Veteran [updated edition](with Daryl S.
Paulson). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2010.
- Personal Mythology: Using
Ritual, Dreams, and Imagination to Discover Your Inner Story, 3rd ed.
(with David Feinstein). Santa Rosa, CA: Energy Psychology Press/Elite
Books, 2008.
- Haunted By Combat:
Understanding PTSD in War Veterans Including Women, Reservists, and
Those Coming Back from Iraq (with Daryl S. Paulson). Westport,
CT: Praeger, 2007.
- The Mythic Path, 3rd ed. (with
David Feinstein). Santa Rosa, CA: Elite Books, 2006.
- Becoming Psychic: Spiritual
Lessons for Focusing Your Hidden Abilities (with Stephen Kierulff). Franklin
Lakes, NJ: Career Press, 2004.
- Dream Telepathy: Experiments in
Nocturnal ESP, 3rd ed. (with Montague Ullman and Alan Vaughan). Charlottesville,
VA: Hampton Roads, 2002.
- Extraordinary Dreams and How to
Work with Them (with Fariba Bogzaran and André Percia de
Carvalho). Albany, NY: State University of New York
Press, 2002.
- Sonhos Exoticos: Como Utilizar
o Significado dos Seus Sonhos (with André Percia de
Carvalho). Sao Paulo, Brazil: Summus Editorial, 1998.
- The Mythic Path (with David
Feinstein); 2nd ed. of Personal Mythology. New York:
Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 1997.
- A Psychiatrist in Paradise:
Treating Mental Illness in Bali (with Denny Thong and Bruce Carpenter).
Bangkok, Thailand: White Lotus Press, 1993.
- Spiritual Dimensions of
Healing: From Tribal Shamanism to Contemporary Health Care (with
Patrick Welch). New York: Irvington Publishers, 1992.
- Dream Telepathy: Experiments in
Nocturnal ESP, 2nd ed. (with Montague Ullman and Alan Vaughan). Jefferson,
NC: McFarland Publishers, 1989.
- Personal Mythology: The
Psychology of Your Evolving Self (with David Feinstein). Los
Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1988.
- Dreamworking: How to Use Your
Dreams for Creative Problem-Solving (with Joseph Dillard). Buffalo,
NY: Bearly Ltd., 1988.
- Zwischen Himmel und Erde:
Spirituelles Heilen der Schamanen, Hexen, Priester und Medien (with
Patrick Scott). Dussilgen, Germany: Chiron Verlag, 1987.
- Healing States (with Alberto
Villoldo). New York: Fireside Books/Simon & Schuster, 1987.
- La Science et les Pouvoirs
Psychiques de l'Homme (with Jerry Solfvin). Paris: Sand,
- The Realms of Healing (with
Alberto Villoldo). Millbrae, CA: Celestial Arts Press, 1976; rev. ed.,
1977; 3rd ed., 1986.
- Dream Telepathy: Experiments in
Nocturnal ESP (with Montague Ullman and Alan Vaughan). New
York: Macmillan, 1974.
Статьи в научных
- Hageman, J., Krippner, S.,
& Wickramasekera, I. II. (2011). Across cultural boundaries:
Psychophysiological responses, absorption, and dissociation comparison
between Brazilian Spiritists and advanced meditators. NeuroQuantology,
9, 5-21.
- Krippner, S. (2011).
Candomblé; Umbanda, and Kardecismo mediums in Recife,
Brazil. Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological
Approaches to the Paranormal, 2, 9-13.
- Krippner, S. (2011).
Remembering Hersch Leibowitz. Psychological Hypnosis,
20(1), 6.
- Krippner, S. (2011,
October-November). [Review of the book The psychedelic
explorer’s guide: Safe, therapeutic, and sacred journeys by
James Fadiman]. AHP Perspective,
pp. 20–21.
- Krippner, S., Bova, M., Budden,
A., & Gallante, R. (2011). The indigenous healing tradition in
Calabria, Italy. International Journal of Transpersonal
Studies, 30, 48-62.
- Krippner, S., & Dunbar,
D. (2011). Addicted to bliss: Looking for ecstasy in all the wrong
places. NeuroQuantology, 9, 135-144.
- Krippner, S., &
Fracasso, C. (2011). [Editorial]. Dreams, telepathy, and various states
of consciousness. (Introduction to special issue).
NeuroQuantology, 9, 1-4.
- Krippner, S., &
Fracasso, C. (2011). [Editorial]. Pioneers who have changed the face of
science and those that have been mentored by them (Introduction to
special issue). NeuroQuantology, 9, 361-362.
- Krippner, S., & Sulla,
J. (2011). Spiritual content in experiential reports from ayahuasca
sessions. NeuroQuantology, 2, 333-350.
- Luke, D., & Krippner,
S. (2011). Psi-chedelic studies: An approach to understanding
exceptional human experiences. MAPS Bulletin, 21(1),
- Pilkington, R. (2011). An
interview by Rosemary Pilkington: The parapsychological odyssey of
Stanley Krippner. NeuroQuantology, 2, 322-332.
- Alvarado, C., &
Krippner, S. (2010). Nineteenth century pioneers in the study of
dissociation. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 17, 19-43.
- Atkinson, D., Iannotti, S.,
Cozzolino, M., Castiglione, S., Cicatelli, A., Vyas, B., Mortimer, J.,
Hill, R., Chovanec, E., Chiamberlando, A., Cuadros, J., Virot, C.,
Kerouac, M., Kallfass, T., Krippner, S. Frederick, C., Gregory., B.,
Scaffran, M., Bullock, M., Soleimany, E., Rossi, A.C., Rossi, K.,
& Rossi, E. (2010). A new bioinformatics paradigm for the
theory, research, and practice of therapeutic hypnosis. American
Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 53, 27-46.
- Combs, A., Krippner, S.,
& Taylor, E. (2010). Is there awareness outside attention? A
psychological perspective. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 17, 100-115
- Friedman, H., &
Krippner, S. (2010, November 3). The need to delineate psychic
experiences from psychic events. PsyCritiques, 56(44),
article 7.
- Friedman, H., Krippner, S.,
Riebel, L., & Johnson, C. (2010). Transpersonal and other
models of spiritual development. International Journal of
Transpersonal Studies, 29, 79-94.
- Krippner, S. (2010). Letter to
the editor. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 42, 515.
- Viggiano, D., &
Krippner, S. (2010). The Grofs’ model of spiritual emergency
in retrospect: Has it stood the test of time? International
Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 29, 118-126.
- Krippner, S. (2009). Indigenous
healing practitioners and their use of hypnotic-like procedures. Activitas
Nervosa Superior, 51 (1), 51-63.
- Krippner, S. (2009). Anyone who
dreams partakes in shamanism. Journal of Shamanic
Practice, 2 (2), 33-40.
- Krippner, S. (2009). Indigenous
health care practitioners and the hypnotic-like healing procedures. Journal
of Transpersonal Research, 1, 7-18.
- Krippner, S., &
Feinstein, D. (2009). A mythological approach to transpersonal
psychotherapy. ReVision, 30 (1-2), 18-31.
- Krippner, S., &
Friedman, H.L. (2009). Hypnotic-like indigenous healing practices:
Cross-cultural perspectives for Western hypnosis researchers and
practitioners. Psychological Hypnosis, 18, 4-7.
- Krippner, S., & Luke,
D. (2009). Psychedelics and species connectedness. Multidisciplinary
Association for Psychedelic Studies, 19 (1), 12-15.
- Mack, M., & Groussin,
T. (2009). Le dialouge interieur: Entretien avec Stanley Krippner [The
interior dialogue: An interview with Stanley Krippner]. Transitions,
1(1), 5-7.
- Moreira-Almeida, A., Moreira de
Almeida, T., Gollner, A.M., Krippner, S. (2009). A study of the
mediumistic surgery of John of God. Journal of Shamanic
Practice, 2 (1), 21-31.
- Schroll, M., Krippner, S.,
Fadiman, J., Vich, M.A., & Mojeiko, V. (2009). Reflections on
transpersonal psychology’s 40th anniversary, ecopsychology,
transpersonal science, and psychedelics: A conversation forum. International
Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 28, 39-52.
- Trichter, S., Klimo, J.,
& Krippner, S. (2009). Changes in spirituality among ayahuasca
ceremony novice participants. Journal of Psychoactive
Drugs, 41, 121-134.